Washington D.C. Photo Courtesy Chip SomodevillaGetty ImagesMoreover the average age of the American population is 38.4 years old. So how does that compare with the average age of Congress In regards to the 117th Congress which began in January 2021 and will remain in place until January 2023 the average age is starkly different from the average age of the Americans they’re representing. At the start of the 117th Congress the average age of House members was 58.4 years old. In the Senate the average age was 64.3 years old.
Congress’ oldest member Senator Feinstein turned 89 in June 2022.Do Older Lawmakers Belize WhatsApp Number Reflect the Goals and Values of the Majority of AmericansWhen the majority of politicians are close to retirement age — if not well beyond it — they may not have the same grasp on the challenges the majority of Americans are facing. For example they may be out of touch with what young families or young adults need and value. A person’s views are often shaped over a lifetime. While lawmakers do adjust their approaches over time.
their early experiences remain important influencing their decisions and values. As they age their personal priorities change and that might mean they lose sight of what their constituents really want. One prime example Climate change. The impacts of the ongoing climate crisis will drastically impact younger people making environmental issues a real priority for them. Meanwhile older lawmakers might find the Congress the average age of House members was 58.